Out of Stock: Hopefully not a harbinger of things to come... (A re-post from my other blog)

A little background...

More often than not, over the last year, when I go online looking for a book, I seem to perpetually find myself facing no options to buy it new from the company I went to in the first place.  Typically, I'm using Amazon, and I get the message that I can buy it from some third-party seller, who may or may not be reputable.  I've assumed, perhaps erroniously, that it's just because I'm looking for old books that weren't that popular.

A recent experience

Recently, I finished the last book in the Tales of the Otori, and I decided I want to read the prequel, "Heaven's Net is Wide", which came out in September of '08.  That's las Fall, kids.  Anyway, once again, the standard buying option is not available! http://tinyurl.com/ykwrtyu While looking at this, somewhat in disbelief because i know this to be a popular series, I did note that the Kindle version was available.  Further investigation revealed many other titles I've sought of late are also only available for the Kindle... A disturbing trend, perhaps.

Now, I wish to temper my words at this point, as I don't want to sound like an alarmist conspiracy-theorist.  I do want to say, as a web-designer, computer teacher, online facilitator,and iPhone user, I take great pleasure and solace in being able to relax with the printed page.  There's something about a real book that NO gadget will EVER replace.  The more Amazon offers books on Kindle only, the more I'll take my money elsewhere...
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