Game Based Learning & Gamification - Millersville Technology Integration Institute 2013

June 19th, 2013

Presentation Resources

Here's some stuff you'll use during our session.
  • You can post questions as we go to Twitter #MUtechi or @mrwalters
  • I've set up a celly to back channel at.
  • Yes, there is an app for that...
  • You can also text @mutechi to 23559 to join the back channel.

Quest: Play Some Games

Quest: Gamification Resources

Gamification is the application of game mechanics in a non-game context, such as your classroom management system, your assessments, your grading procedures, etc. in order to increase user motivation and engagement.

Quest: Game Based Learning Resources

Identified on Twitter by the hashtag #gbl (and now the edchat: #gblfriday), Game Based learning involves using actual games in your classroom that you've selected to reach specific objectives or goals.

Follow up resources

Here's some Reading & Videos for further exploration...

    Project Based Learning Research

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